imaterial News Blog

From category archives: imaterial News Blog

screen printing

Rotary Screen Printing and Digital Printing explained

When it comes to fabric printing, Imaterial offers the best of both worlds. Our customers have the choice between rotary screen printing and or digital printing.

While digital printing has its own specific customer base, so too has rotary screen printing. Additionally, each printing system has its own unique benefits and your choice in method depends on the application at hand.

In this article, we will be outlining which method may be more suitable for your particular fabric printing project.

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Cape Town Digital Printing adds to the film industry

Our experience in textile printing has shown us that the biggest printing challenge for the film industry is a prompt turnaround time.

Fortunately, this is no problem for us as our fabrics are already pre-treated and ready to print, enabling us to turnaround print jobs within a few days, on the same day in some instances.

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Specialised Textile Screen Printing Company Grows in Cape Town

Imaterial has been offering specialised textile screen printing service to the fashion and décor fabric industry for over 30 years.

Concentrating on a niche market and using time honoured hand printing techniques the company grew from 2 to the present 50 employees.



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Screen printing Cape Town

Screen printing

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Fabric printing Cape Town

Fabric printing

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Screen Printing Factory Tour

Screen printing factory tour

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For the love of shwe shwe

Typically screen printed for traditional ceremonies

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Silkscreen or Screen printing

Silkscreen or screen printing

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Cape Town fashion revival

Cape Town fashion revival is on the up-and-up as from the beginning of 2014.

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Decor-Design-lifestyle exhibitions coming up

Decor- design- lifestyle exhibitions

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